When first entering this class, I would have said that I was a very open person to diverse literature. I also would have said that I knew a lot about diverse literature and its importance to include it in my future classroom. After this class, I can surprisingly and happily say that my thinking and knowledge has completely evolved into something much greater than I could have imagined.
The topic that I have learned the most about that I never had considered before is the insider/outsider debate. I had originally found this issue very interesting in the beginning of the year, and even after we learned about it, I was still pretty ignorant regarding this topic thinking that it didn’t matter. However, as the semester moved on, I found myself thinking more and more about how I couldn’t imagine someone else writing a story about something that they do not know. Now, I realize the importance of insider authors and the huge role they play in authentic diverse literature.
Another important thing I have realized is the extent of multicultural literature that is available or not available for my future classroom. I never thought that is was necessary to find high quality authentic literature. I used to think anything is better than nothing. But now I realized the importance of choosing and selecting high quality literature that represents and is available for ALL students, whether or not if they are included in the classroom or not.
Now, after this class, I will be very thoughtful in choosing literature that is for all students whether or not they are in the classroom. Multicultural literature is for all students whether or not they are included in my future classroom. Multicultural literature can bring so much to a classroom and to the students. Students will find it enjoyable, and they will gain information and challenge their previous ideas.